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Rotary Club of Dallas participates in Keep Paulding Beautiful’s Annual Great American Cleanup

DallasGAC Rotary640On Saturday May 14th Keep Paulding Beautiful (KPB) conducted their annual Great American Cleanup Event in Paulding County. Keep Paulding Beautiful dispatched volunteers around the county to cleanup roadways and public spaces. As a part of the cleanup Rotary Club of Dallas Members cleaned up around the Paulding County Community Center and also cleaned out the flower beds and added spring annual bedding plants. These volunteers want to encourage all Paulding County Citizens to continue the effort to keep our community clean and beautiful through organized cleanups and beautification projects.
Did you know that litter has a cost to you and to all of us?  Many people think that the county can just send out a work detail of prisoners to clean up our roadways and public spaces, but even that has a cost to taxpayers:  A deputy must supervise all crews and a vehicle must transport them. Additionally, if litter doesn't get cleaned up from our roadways, it often ends up in local streams and waterways and can cause additional costs to our water treatment plants by making it more difficult and expensive to clean up our drinking water supply. DallasGAC Rotary800So what can we do?  Teach our children by example that it is wrong to be a litterbug.  Don't litter Paulding County roadways.  Recognize that even small items, including cigarette butts are litter and contribute to the problem. Secure loads in open bed trucks and don’t leave trash in the open bed of trucks that can easily be caught on the wind and become roadside trash. Find a trash receptacle to dispose of trash.  Recycle items that are marked for recycling, reuse items that are meant for multiple uses and compost items that are biodegradable.
Most importantly, you can do what Rotary Club of Dallas did and join Keep Paulding Beautiful, in trying to combat litter in Paulding County by keeping local spaces attractive and not contributing to littered roadways. The work of Keep Paulding Beautiful and Rotary Club of Dallas shows that with just few hours of time on the part of a group of thoughtful, committed Paulding County Citizens, we can make a difference in our community!  Keep Paulding Beautiful Executive Director, Tommy Leonard wants you to know that you can help us solve litter problems in our county through your actions as an individual or as part of an organization. Tommy reminds us, “We can accomplish more through volunteerism than we could ever hope to accomplish through beaurocracy.”

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