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DNE 600x314 2bThe Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging team recently competed at the Northwest District Forestry Judging Competition in Conyers, Georgia.

Read more: Paulding County 4-H Is...

auction 600x314 2bCome join Paulding County Extension for their annual 4-H Expo on Tuesday, August 29 from 5:00-7:00pm. We will be at the Paulding County Senior Center located at 54 Industrial Way, Dallas, GA. We are also holding a silent auction with bidding ending at 6:15pm.

Read more: 4-H Expo & Silent Auction

4h con 600x314 2bPauding County had seven Senior 4-H’ers compete at Georgia’s 4-H State Congress July 25-28. 2017. They earned their way to state in Atlanta by competing in various areas of Project Achievement.

Read more: Paulding 4-H’ers Attend...

4hcomp 600x314 2bEarning the opportunity to compete in a regional horse show is a huge accomplishment for anyone, no matter who they are. Thirteen states will go head to head with only their best in the 4-H Southern Regional Competition, which will be held in Perry, Georgia this year.

Read more: 4-H Southern Regional...

horse 600x314 2bPaulding County 4-H had 6 members compete in the State Horse Show June 12-16 in Perry, GA. All team members were pinned in 7 divisions with at least one blue ribbon in each division.

Read more: Paulding County 4-H’ers...

MG Scholarship 600x314Grace Ryan, recipient of the 2017 Paulding County Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Scholarship, recently joined the local Scholarship Committee to accept the award.

Read more: 2017 Paulding County...

capital 600x314 2bIn February, seven Paulding County 4-H’ers joined almost 350 4-H youth and leaders for 4-H Day at the Capitol. While in Atlanta, they met with their senators and representatives and saw the Senate in session.

Read more: Paulding County Senior...

Cloverleaf 600x314 2bPaulding County Cloverleaf 4-H’ers, competed at District Public Achievement (DPA) at Georgia Highlands College in Rome. This year there were 12 counties represented with 560 competitors. Project Achievement is a public speaking competition.

Read more: Paulding Cloverleaf...

nga 4h 600x314Congratulations to Kynsley Westmoreland and Kaylin Dills for their achievement at the 4-H District Project Achievement competition!

Read more: New Georgia Elementary...

patty 600x314Paulding County welcomes Patty McIver as the new 4-H agent with Paulding County UGA Extension. Patty assumed this position on December 1 st and has hit the ground running.

Read more: Paulding County UGA...

4H food 600x314 2bOn October 5 th , 2016 the Paulding County 4-H Food Challenge Team took home Third Place at the National Food Challenge Competition in Dallas, Texas.

Read more: 4-H Food Challenge Team...

4h 600x314 2bGeorgia 4-H’s 172,354 student members will celebrate National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8. During the week, the state’s largest youth development organization wants to raise awareness of the program that started as a club for farm kids and has grown into a place that helps youth become successful and confident adults.

Read more: Georgia 4-H celebrates...

4H 600x314 2bPaulding County 4-H Is Proud To Recognize Excellence in 4-H Forestry Judging! The Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging team recently competed at the Northeast District Forestry Judging Competition Wahsega 4-H Center.

Read more: Paulding County 4-H Is...

4h group 600x314 2bPC 4-H’ers Compete at State 4-H Congress. Four Paulding County 4-H students competed at State 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia July 26-29, 2016. Competitors included: Madison Thomason, Jamie Babecka, Aaren Schertler, and Josh Kudwa.

Read more: Paulding County 4-H’ers...

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