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CTC awards 600x314Chattahoochee Technical College announced Surgical Technology student Beauty Chanda as its 2020 Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) winner and Psychology instructor Monica Barbara as the college’s 2020 Rick Perkins Award instructor of the year. Chattahoochee Tech also announced Denise James as the college’s Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) award winner.

Read more: Chattahoochee Technical...

new ctc 600x314Chattahoochee Technical College announces the selection of Missy Cusack, of Paulding County, as the college’s new vice president of Student Affairs. Cusack has worked with Chattahoochee Tech for the past 20 years, serving for the past six years as the college’s executive director of enrollment services. In this capacity, she was the leader of the largest Admissions and Records Department within the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG).

Read more: Chattahoochee Tech...

ksu books 600x314Students and staff from the Kennesaw State University and the Georgia Highlands College Paulding Site provided a special Book Drive for Villa Rica students. The groups went to Villa Rica Elementary School with hundreds of free books in order to give students access to a variety of reading material to build their reading skills.

Read more: KSU Provides Local...

Chatt Tech Thanks 600x314This year’s Thanksgiving holiday will be better for nearly 100 families in need at Chattahoochee Tech thanks to food donations collected for the college’s “Everything but the Turkey” food drive. Volunteers at the college assembled these donations into food baskets at the Marietta Campus on Tuesday, Nov. 19, for distribution prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Read more: Chattahoochee Tech...

NorthwestGaSkillsChallenge 600x314More than 75 incredibly talented students from 11-area high schools are participating in the Northwest Georgia Workforce Development Alliance Skills Challenge in Cedartown on Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm. The competition is part of the workforce development initiative led by The Associated General Contractors of Georgia (AGC Georgia) and some of its member companies including Brasfield & Gorrie and Duffey Southeast, Inc.; and will include challenges ranging from blueprint reading, carpentry, electrical, plumbing and more.

Read more: Northwest Ga Skills...

deca 600x314East Paulding High School, North Paulding High School, and South Paulding High School DECA Advisors and Officers traveled to Washington, DC for The Ultimate Power Trip. There, the students had the opportunity to network with over 1600 other DECA members from across the country.

Read more: The Ultimate DECA Power...

30k fost 600x314Additional support is now available for Chattahoochee Tech students who have experienced foster care thanks to a $30,000 grant awarded to the Chattahoochee Tech Foundation by the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, a unit of Public Service and Outreach at the University of Georgia.

Read more: $30,000 Grant Awarded...

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