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DNE PC Schools 600x314The Hiram Stinger Battalion Drill Team qualified to attend the State Drill Competition when placing in the events of Female Regulation Armed Platoon, Unarmed Platoon, Unarmed Squad, and Armed Squad at the Area Drill Meet held at Langston Hughes High School.

Read more: Hiram JROTC Wins at State

NPHS fly 600x314NPHS Fly Fishing and Cold Water Conservation Club assisted the Cohutta and Coosa River Chapters of Trout Unlimited with a workday on Raccoon Creek which is located on Paulding Forest WMA. Along with Georgia DNR personnel, Thirty-four volunteers worked on trails and gathered trash along the banks of this pristine body of water. This was the 5th time this annual event was held.

Read more: The NPHS Fly Fishing...

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