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4 HClub 600x314 2bFord Thigpen, President of the Paulding Rotary Club welcomed Mary Carol Sheffield of the UGA Extension Office. The Rotary Club acknowledges the positive impact and effort that the 4-H Club brings to students in our County's school system. Mr. Thigpen presented a check for $1000 to Mrs. Sheffield as a donation on behalf of the Paulding Rotary Club.

Read more: Paulding Rotary 4-H...

mentor 600x314 2bPaulding County Rotary Club president, Ford Thigpen welcomed guests from East Paulding High School. In addition to our club members, we were joined by East Paulding's Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Brad Thomason, Head Coach Billy Shackelford, and Community Coach Bill Driskell. Coach Driskell explained the mentoring program for East Paulding.

Read more: East Paulding Coaches...

cent 600x314 2bNewly elected officers for the 2018-2019 Centennial year term were recently installed at American Legion Post 111 in Dallas. 2019 marks the 100th Anniversary of the American Legion. The Post would like to publicly thank all past officers and members of Post 111 for their loyal and dedicated service. Current members are encouraged to renew their dedication to the Post and become involved in our many activities.

Read more: Centennial Year...

Your great events 600x314A Paulding Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on Wednesday, August 15th for Your Great Events, Inc. The Ribbon Cutting was held at the Paulding Chamber of Commerce and Your Great Events owner Peggy Robinson and Operations Manager Beth Deets treated everyone in attendance to a delicious lunch.

Read more: Ribbon Cutting for Your...

pigskin 600x314 2bThis year the 7th Annual Pigskin Preview took place at the Dallas Civic Center in Downtown Dallas. Organized by the Paulding County Rotary Club, Club President Ford Thigpen greeted everyone. Following the provided lunch Mr. Thigpen thanked them for their continued support and participation in this event. He expressed what a privilege and honor it was for the Rotary club to participate in this event annually with our high schools.

Read more: Paulding's Pigskin...

nebo 600x314 2bThe UGA Extension - Paulding County 4-H attended Open House at Nebo Elementary School for the 2018-2019 School Year. Coordinated among the two newest 4-H program assistants, LaRhonda Likely and Ratasha Middleton, the turnout was a success as parents and students signed up to learn more about the program.

Read more: 4-H Visits Nebo...

RYLA 600x314 2bThe Paulding County Rotary Club welcomed this year's participants in the RYLA program. RYLA is a Rotary program that offers leadership skills and training to youth. This year's participants were Callie Benson, Addie Thigpen, and Marion Plumley. All of the participants shared their experiences with the club and all agreed that it was a worthwhile program.

Read more: Rotary RYLA Program...


With a population in excess of 150,000, Paulding County is able to sustain two (2) Rotary Clubs: Dallas Rotary Club AND Rotary Club of Paulding County.
The Dallas Rotary Club is the newer of the clubs. It was established in 2003 and has 17 active members. This club currently has its regular meetings on Thursday mornings at Audrey’s Cafe. Please check Facebook for schedule.
The Paulding County Rotary Club, the first Rotary Club in Paulding County, was chartered in 1969. It has approximately 42 active members and meets regularly.
Although the clubs are different from one another, the common mission is the same – SERVICE TO COMMUNITY. We invite you to visit each club to determine which is the best fit for you. Please see each club on Facebook for current meeting schedule. FOUR WAY TEST: Of all the things we think, say or do…. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rotary Clubs of Paulding County Georgia
The Rotary Club of Dallas and the Paulding Rotary Club.

The "Voice for Business" in our suburban Atlanta community. We welcome you to Paulding and look forward to serving you and helping your business grow. Website

4-H & Youth UGA Extension-Paulding County

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