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4h 600x314 2bUGA Extension office for Paulding offers a wide variety of opportunities including conservation and management of natural resources, agricultural programs water quality and youth leadership. Their ultimate goal is to produce better citizens through clubs and after-school activities that provide education and a wide variety of meaningful activities in science-based learning programs.

Read more: Paulding Rotary...

JROTC 600x314 2bCmdr. Moyse was joined by three of his top cadets, Kace Cochran, Jeremiah Smith, and Chichi Ogbuagu. Each cadet took the podium and introduce themselves. All the high school cadets communicated the advantages of participating in the JROTC program. It attributed newfound skills and confidence with which they plan to pursue their future.

Read more: Hiram JROTC visits...

Gyro City Ribbon Cutting 600x314A Paulding Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting was held on March 15th for Gyro City Grill Hiram located in the Paulding Commons Shopping Center with Academy Sports. Owners Ted and Rosey Varno are excited and encouraged by the warm welcome they have received from the people of Hiram and Paulding County.

Read more: Ribbon Cutting for Gyro...

dpa 4h 600x314 2bPaulding County 4-H had thirty-one Junior and Senior level 4-H’ers compete at the Northwest District Project Achievement (DPA) at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia on March 2-4, 2018. Project Achievement is one of the four core programs in Georgia 4-H which is a self-directed individual competition including presentations.

Read more: Paulding County 4-H’ers...

cobbemc600x314Seventy local 5th-graders recently visited Cobb EMC for the electric cooperative’s 27th annual Career Day event. Elementary students spent the morning job shadowing employees across the company before joining their teachers and parents for a luncheon hosted by Cobb EMC.

Read more: Local students join...

mg uga 600x314 2bMaster Gardener Extension Volunteers in Paulding offer a local scholarship, available to Paulding County residents that are incoming freshmen or students attending post-secondary accredited institutions. The group gives first consideration to Paulding County students in the following fields of study: Agriculture, Horticulture, Landscaping, Forestry, Botany, and Biology.

Read more: Paulding County Master...

DNE ADS truck 600x314TWO MEN AND A TRUCK of Douglas County partnered with the Paulding Education Foundation’s Casino Royale on February 10, 2018. “Each year the Paulding Education Foundation hosts three fundraising events designed to raise capital for specific educational programs and scholarships for high school seniors.

Read more: TWO MEN AND A TRUCK...


With a population in excess of 150,000, Paulding County is able to sustain two (2) Rotary Clubs: Dallas Rotary Club AND Rotary Club of Paulding County.
The Dallas Rotary Club is the newer of the clubs. It was established in 2003 and has 17 active members. This club currently has its regular meetings on Thursday mornings at Audrey’s Cafe. Please check Facebook for schedule.
The Paulding County Rotary Club, the first Rotary Club in Paulding County, was chartered in 1969. It has approximately 42 active members and meets regularly.
Although the clubs are different from one another, the common mission is the same – SERVICE TO COMMUNITY. We invite you to visit each club to determine which is the best fit for you. Please see each club on Facebook for current meeting schedule. FOUR WAY TEST: Of all the things we think, say or do…. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rotary Clubs of Paulding County Georgia
The Rotary Club of Dallas and the Paulding Rotary Club.

The "Voice for Business" in our suburban Atlanta community. We welcome you to Paulding and look forward to serving you and helping your business grow. Website

4-H & Youth UGA Extension-Paulding County

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