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HH 600x314 2bMrs. Burks was excited to address Rotary club members once again. She thanked everyone for the continued support.  Mrs. Burks highlighted the growth that Helping Hands has experienced since its beginnings in 1987. Started by five churches approximately 31 years ago, Helping Hands has been able to provide 6,000 families with basic food needs (as of October 2018) this year. By the end of this year Helping Hands of Paulding County will have distributed over 1 million pounds of food to local residents.

Read more: Helping Hands Director...

vetday 600x314 2bAmerican Legion Post 111 and members of the Paulding County Veterans Memorial Committee held a Veterans Day Service downtown Dallas on Sunday, November 11th at 11:00 AM. The 25th annual service was held in honor of all Veterans, living and deceased, especially those who died while serving our country, with a special remembrance for the eighty-two Paulding County Veterans who perished in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and in the Middle East.

Read more: Paulding County...

LGE 242 600x314Chris Carter, City of Dallas Council member, oversees all LGE Community Credit Union branches, including the newly opened Dallas location, and was glad to sponsor the Flight 242 Memorial as part of this year’s Dallas Concert Series. Flight 242 board members thank you very much for your generous sponsorship of $10,000 for the Memorial effort. LGE Community Credit Union held their grand opening on October 30th at the previous Georgia Heritage Bank location.

Read more: LGE Community Credit...

taste see 600x314 2bHere in Paulding County, on the outskirts of the big city, we like to think that 'Poverty' and 'Homelessness' are not present here. However, if you drive through the City of Dallas on a Monday or Thursday evening from 5-7 p.m. you will see the face of Paulding's homeless. Stephanie Wall Womack, of Taste and See Ministries has answered the call of God's army.

Read more: Answering a Call: Taste...

ffa 600x314 2bThe Paulding County FFA was named the national winner of the 2018 National FFA Convention Hall of States competition. The Paulding County chapter, whose advisors are Mrs. Maggie Richards and Mr. Tom Liles, along with FFA members, Chloe Moody, Layne Ammons, Hunter Ammons, and Kaylee Patterson constructed a display that featured the top ten agricultural commodities in the state of Georgia.

Read more: Paulding County FFA...

gold star 600x314 2bThe origin of the term “Gold Star” can be traced back to World War I where it became practice for families with those serving in the military to place a service flag in a visible window of their home. The flags, which hang vertically, have a white rectangular center surrounded by a thick red border.

Read more: The American Legion...

kueven 600x314Paulding’s Chamber of Commerce hosted their November Georgia Power Luncheon in Dallas last week. WellStar President John Kueven was the keynote speaker. Kueven, a veteran hospital administrator, took over at WellStar Paulding Hospital in March as senior vice president and president of WellStar Paulding Hospital. Kueven oversees the day-to-day operations of the 112-bed hospital facility in Hiram and 182-bed skilled nursing center in Dallas.

Read more: Paulding WellStar...

BG club 600x314 2bA very excited Ms. Jones took the podium to give an update for the Paulding Boys and Girls Club. Ms. Jones was very excited about their current progress working with the youth after school. The Boys and Girls Club goals are to inspire and empower youth to reach their full potential. She was quick to dispel the idea that the Boys and Girls Club was a place for children to stagnate after school. She shared their plans to educate, expose, and expand these young children with the afterschool programs that are currently available.

Read more: Paulding County Boys &...


With a population in excess of 150,000, Paulding County is able to sustain two (2) Rotary Clubs: Dallas Rotary Club AND Rotary Club of Paulding County.
The Dallas Rotary Club is the newer of the clubs. It was established in 2003 and has 17 active members. This club currently has its regular meetings on Thursday mornings at Audrey’s Cafe. Please check Facebook for schedule.
The Paulding County Rotary Club, the first Rotary Club in Paulding County, was chartered in 1969. It has approximately 42 active members and meets regularly.
Although the clubs are different from one another, the common mission is the same – SERVICE TO COMMUNITY. We invite you to visit each club to determine which is the best fit for you. Please see each club on Facebook for current meeting schedule. FOUR WAY TEST: Of all the things we think, say or do…. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rotary Clubs of Paulding County Georgia
The Rotary Club of Dallas and the Paulding Rotary Club.

The "Voice for Business" in our suburban Atlanta community. We welcome you to Paulding and look forward to serving you and helping your business grow. Website

4-H & Youth UGA Extension-Paulding County

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