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Wholistic 600x314Wholistic Wellness Boutique announced its ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the Paulding Chamber of Commerce on March 20th. The ribbon-cutting was held at the boutique’s location in Hiram, Georgia at 5157 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway Suite 107. Wholistic Wellness Boutique provides its customers with the best in health and wellness through CBD products and services. They have a holistic approach to making sure customers are provided with properly selected natural and organic products.

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Rotary WellspringLiving 600x314Paulding County Rotary Club welcomed Mary Frances Bowley to our March club meeting. Introduced by member John Kueven of Paulding WellStar, Mrs. Bowley is the Executive Director and founder of Wellspring Living. Wellspring Living is a non-profit organization in Atlanta, Georgia that provides domestic sex trafficking victims and those at risk with specialized recovery services through three residential programs and two community-based programs.

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MG scholarship 600x314 2bEach year, Master Gardener Extension Volunteers in Paulding offer a local scholarship, available to Paulding County residents that are incoming freshmen or students attending post-secondary accredited institutions. The group gives first consideration to Paulding County students in the following fields of study: Agriculture, Horticulture, Landscaping, Forestry, Botany, and Biology and students who are Paulding County Senior 4-H’ers.

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MG Extension 600x314 2bPaulding County UGA Extension Master Gardener Volunteers recently recognized Christen Thomas as Paulding County Master Gardener of the Year as well as the Robert Cabrera of Keep Paulding Beautiful and Tom Liles of Paulding County High School FFA as the Friends of Master Gardeners at their Annual New Beginnings Celebration Dinner.

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AnnPennebaker 600x314The Paulding County Rotary Club welcomed Ann Pennebaker to speak at this week's meeting. Introduced by club member Randy Arrowood, Mrs. Pennebaker is an author and educator turned recovery counselor involved in a local 12 step program fighting the disease of addiction. Mrs. Pennebaker comes from a highly trained and educated background. However, her passion for the fight against addiction is very personal.

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gransbo 600x314Paulding Rotary Club welcomed Caroline Gränsbo, an international student from Sweden who is currently attending West Georgia University. Caroline is in the Georgia Rotary student program (GRSP). Paulding Rotary is one of three local Georgia Rotary Clubs sponsoring Caroline in the GRSP. Her Paulding-Rotary host family is Brian and Ashleigh Headrick. Miss Gränsbo is pursuing a degree in political science. Last semester she studied American Government learning about the Congress and the Senate for which she received an A in the class.

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linda 600x314Rotary Club member Brett Reece welcomed and introduced Linda Vercharen the director of the Family Alliance of Paulding, a nonprofit group dedicated to the local community through vital social services. They provide opportunities for individuals and families to grow and recover through education and advocacy. Best known for providing supervised visitation for foster children and their families.

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With a population in excess of 150,000, Paulding County is able to sustain two (2) Rotary Clubs: Dallas Rotary Club AND Rotary Club of Paulding County.
The Dallas Rotary Club is the newer of the clubs. It was established in 2003 and has 17 active members. This club currently has its regular meetings on Thursday mornings at Audrey’s Cafe. Please check Facebook for schedule.
The Paulding County Rotary Club, the first Rotary Club in Paulding County, was chartered in 1969. It has approximately 42 active members and meets regularly.
Although the clubs are different from one another, the common mission is the same – SERVICE TO COMMUNITY. We invite you to visit each club to determine which is the best fit for you. Please see each club on Facebook for current meeting schedule. FOUR WAY TEST: Of all the things we think, say or do…. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rotary Clubs of Paulding County Georgia
The Rotary Club of Dallas and the Paulding Rotary Club.

The "Voice for Business" in our suburban Atlanta community. We welcome you to Paulding and look forward to serving you and helping your business grow. Website

4-H & Youth UGA Extension-Paulding County

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